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XSS Worms & Viruses - Hacktivity 2008
Grid Implemented John The Ripper -  Hacktivity 2009
NP-Completeness shortly
PayPass vulnerabilities - Hacktivity 2012
How to create permanent domain administrator privileges (mimikatz: Golden Ticket) - Hacker Halted 2014 @ Atlanta

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Mimikatz's Golden Ticket
Password-security statistics synopsis - Jelszobiztonsag statisztika szinopszis
MySQL and SQL Column Truncation Vulnerabilities (forditas)
XSS - Cross Site Scripting
XSS Worms & Viruses - XSS fergek es virusok
PHP dl() function's risk - PHP dl() fuggveny es veszelyei
Analisys of cryptographic hash algorithms - Kriptografiai hash algoritmusok elemzese (Szakdolgozat)
Multi CA authentikacio a weben
Parallelizable Variable Length Hash Function - Parhuzamosithato valtozo hosszu hash fuggveny (Diplomamunka)

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MYSQL323 Algorithm for john-1.7.2 (27times faster than the old module) - revision: 2
MD5 Algorithm for john- (2times faster than the old module) - revision: 3
iptables TTL module for La Fonera (kernel: 2.4-atheros-mips)
XSS Worms & Viruses online prezentation (webpage+worm.js)
PHP dl() function example files
Cryptohash PHP extension v1.1
Channel Capacity Calculator (discrete additive noiseless)
Cryptographic hash algorithms analisys (Degree Project) CD
Joomla! 1.5 <= 1.5.12 unprivileged file upload exploit.
NCrack POP3(s)/IMAP(s) patch (SVN/0.01ALPHA)
LM2NTLM algorithm for john-1.7.6-jumbo-12